Saturday, September 6, 2014

European Union Releases 140M Euros To Fight Ebola In West Africa

TheEuropean Unionhas released140m eurosto help countries affected by the deadlyEbola diseasein West Africa.
The affected countries are particularly Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.
The fund is to help beef up their healthcare systems. The EU made the official announcement on Friday.
In a statement released on Friday, the EU said that of the fund, 38m euros would go to strengthening health services and improvement of food security.
In addition, five million euros had been set aside for supplying medical laboratories with essential materials for detecting the Ebola virus and for training local medical staff.
According to the statement, 97.5m euros will support budget operations in Liberia and Sierra Leone in a bid to improve capacity in public services.
It said, “This is with regard to health care and strengthening the macro-economic stability of those countries.
“Specialist teams from the EU project of mobile laboratories arrived in Guinea and Nigeria this week to install mobile laboratories.
“Other specialists will be deployed next week to Liberia with similar equipment.”

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