This is the moment the naked truth about a husband's cheating ways were exposed to the watching world. Ting Su, 29, caught bed-hopping partner Cheng, 30, romping naked in an underground carpark along with her TWIN SISTER after using a mobile phone tracker to locate their whereabouts.
And when the wailing wife confronted the treacherous twosome about their red-hot rear-seat rendezvous, the stunned pair reacted by jumping out of the vehicle.
Quick-thinking Ting seized her chance for instant karma and drove off – leaving the secret rompers bare-bummed and red-faced on the tarmac at a local shopping centre in the city of Suzhou, eastern China.
One witness said: "It was so funny. Loads of people were grabbing their phones and I did as well. He was banging his fist on the window and shouting at her, and she just wasn't playing ball."
It was later discovered that Cheng had been having an affair since Ting, who has now filed for divorce, gave birth to twins.
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