Saturday, August 1, 2015

6 Reasons Sensitive Men Make The Best Partners


Women will always say they want a God fearing man and to have a relationship with a man who is strong and knows all they want and need.Dating a sensitive guy is a completely different experience than being with a rugged outdoor man. Here is a list of reasons why sensitive men make the best husbands.

1. They are good listeners:Every sensitive man listens more when his woman talks. He calms her down when she is angry and understands every of her facial expression.

2. Good in bed:Sensitive men take their time in bed with their wives to get her to the peak of her sensations. They need to be reassured that you are comfortable with them and like to spend the extra time. Sharing feelings in a relationship is never a problem—keeping your walls up is.

3. Security is everything:Sensitive men can be some of the most insecure men you may meet. At times, this can be an endearing quality. It means that they are more likely to spend time with you and listen to what you say. You need to let him know how you feel and ensure that he feels secure.

4. He is patient:Sensitive men may need a bit of time before they can really open up. Although they may be willing to express all of their feelings at once, there is also a chance that it will take them a while to come out of their shell. When they are out, you have them all to yourself.

5. Strong morals and principles:All signs that he’s sensitive, disregard inequity and injustice, and have a more open mind than you might think. He respects your rights as a woman.

6. Appreciative:Sensitive men remember your birthday, they want to please you in bed, and they care what you think and feel. Most of all they say; thank you, please and Love you.

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