Sunday, August 23, 2015

MUST READ!!! 10 Things Every African Man Wants In Be’d


Rare is the man who demands acrobatic po-rno stunts and a closet filled with ball gags and leather whips.
Sure, those men exist, and if that’s your cup of kink, go for it. But the truth is, most guys are a little more predictable in their bedroom proclivities. We just want a se’x life that’s a little spicy, a little sweet, and still occasionally surprising. Easy enough, right? Sure it is! To make the bedroom a se’xual sanctuary, here are the things dudes desire most.

1. To See You Take Initiative

We’re happy to make the first move, and if you don’t, we will. But it’s so much more rewarding when we know how eager you are. Because no matter how much you seem to enjoy the heat, if you never light the match, we have to wonder if you don’t secretly prefer the cold.

2. S3xy Lingerie

We know you mostly wear it to turn us on, and we really, really appreciate it – even if we seem to barely notice as we rip it off and toss it on the floor.

3. Foreplay

Don’t be fooled by guys you see in movies who are always horn’y and ready to screw like RIGHT NOW. Truth is, we love the slow build as much as we love the crescendo. And good se’x provides both.

4. Spontaneity

It’s impossible for a couple not to fall into some kind of rut, even if it’s a shallow one. So don’t ever be afraid to change things up. Pre-work se’x, se’x without penetration, and se’x on the living room coffee table all do the trick. Just be sure to wipe it down before you put the magazines back.

5. Dirty Talk

Or at the very least, some encouraging moans to let us know when we’re on the right track.

6. To Hear His Name

Nothing keeps us in the moment like the sound of our own name. Use that to your advantage.

7. Safety

Unless we’re in a long-term relationship, you’re taking the Pill, and we’ve both been tested for STDs, then condoms are still part of the equation. Odds are, we have one with us.
But what if we runout? Or we forget it? If you can whip out a rubber like se’xual Houdini, that’s hot. Even better is if you occasionally pull it out before we have a chance to. It shows us that you’re committed to our se’x life, and that you’re willing to take joint responsibility for our safety.

8. A Game-for-Anything Attitude

If we want to play out a fantasy or try a new position, we hope you’ll at least be open to trying. And we promise – we’ll do the same for you.

9. A Sense of Humor

When things go wrong, it can either be hilarious, or devastating. Our ability to laugh together makes the difference.

10. To Make You Orgasm

It’s not all about s, and we know it. So, please-tell us what you want. We aim to please.

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