Monday, September 21, 2015

SHOCKER; British Prime Minister David Cameron Put ‘Private Part’ In A Dead Pig’s Mouth Book Claims


This is really a shocker…. Allegations have been labelled against the British Prime Minister David Cameron -saying the Prime Minister carried out a shameless act of inserting his private in a dead pig’s mouth at an initiation ceremony as a student a Oxford University.

The story was recounted to the authors by a contemporary of Mr Cameron who went on to become an MP. He reportedly said the pig’s head was resting on the lap of a member of the Piers Gaveston Society – a dining club at Oxford – while Cameron carried out the act.

He even claimed another member of the group has photographic evidence of the alleged act. But the individual who is said to own the picture did not respond to approaches by the authors.

The act was allegedly performed at an event hosted by the notorious Oxford dining club, the Piers Gaveston, named in honour of the supposed lover of King Edward II of England.

The secret society, which also claims actor Hugh Grant and the Mayor of London Boris Johnson among its former members, is known for its debauched parties, sexual excesses and bizarre entertainment

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