A man who was diagnosed with HIV and tuberculosis had another insult added to his injury after his wife dumped him because he suddenly developed huge BR*ASTS.

The Middle-aged man reportedly developed huge
BR*ASTS after he was diagnosed with HIV and
Reports say the strange development prompted the the middle-aged unidentified man to approach renowned Prophet Mag*ya in Harare, Zimbabwe seeking spiritual a $$istance to his predicament.
The man’s wife dumped him when she could no longer condone sharing the same apartment let alone the same room with her husband following his plight.
Officials at the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries, said the man would visit the church again soon, this time with a testimony, according to reports.

The man with brea$t approached prophet Mag*ya for spirityal help
The rare condition of a man developing BR*ASTS is medically known as gynaecomastia, otherwise known as ‘man b00bs’.
According to a plastic surgeon, Roger Mixter, BR*ASTS that develop on a man can be made up of mammary gland tissue, fat or, most commonly, a combination of both.
It is usually caused by an imbalance in the two $ex hormones, oestrogen and testosterone. He said all men and women have both oestrogen and testosterone naturally in different amounts in their bodies.

He stated: “Hormonal imbalances can be caused by conditions ranging from pituitary problems to liver disease.
Any man who develops gynaecomastia or man b00bs must be evaluated to determine if there is an underlying cause, and have that cause treated if possible. Frequently, correcting the underlying problem can reverse the brea$t development.” There has been several other cases of men who had similar feminine development after taking the ARVs.
Reports say the strange development prompted the the middle-aged unidentified man to approach renowned Prophet Mag*ya in Harare, Zimbabwe seeking spiritual a $$istance to his predicament.
The man’s wife dumped him when she could no longer condone sharing the same apartment let alone the same room with her husband following his plight.
Officials at the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries, said the man would visit the church again soon, this time with a testimony, according to reports.
The rare condition of a man developing BR*ASTS is medically known as gynaecomastia, otherwise known as ‘man b00bs’.
According to a plastic surgeon, Roger Mixter, BR*ASTS that develop on a man can be made up of mammary gland tissue, fat or, most commonly, a combination of both.
It is usually caused by an imbalance in the two $ex hormones, oestrogen and testosterone. He said all men and women have both oestrogen and testosterone naturally in different amounts in their bodies.
He stated: “Hormonal imbalances can be caused by conditions ranging from pituitary problems to liver disease.
Any man who develops gynaecomastia or man b00bs must be evaluated to determine if there is an underlying cause, and have that cause treated if possible. Frequently, correcting the underlying problem can reverse the brea$t development.” There has been several other cases of men who had similar feminine development after taking the ARVs.
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